Jr Youth Bible Studies are every Tuesday from after school until 5pm at the MB Church for all students in grades 7-8. Join Us! Below, check out previous Bible Studies from any weeks you have missed.
*Bible Studies are finished for the summer, and will resume in September! Don't forget to join us for summer events!*
2018-2019 Bible Studies:
June 11: Review!
June 4: Are you connected?
May 28: Guests from TMBC
Get more info on camp!
May 21: Elijah
Read through the story of Elijah. Some life lessons we can learn from Elijah:
-God can do incredible things!
-We need to rely on God in all circumstances, because He will always provide for us (However sometimes it is different than we expect)
-Sometimes we are quick to forget what God has done
-Godly people can also struggle with mental illness
-We cannot live life alone. Elijah thought that he was the only one following God…we learn in 1 Kings 19:18 that there were still thousands of people who had not followed the false gods.
-Do not be shy about your faith. Where were these thousands of people hiding? Why didn’t they support Elijah?
May 14: Ruth
Wes shared the story of Ruth.
Apr 30+May 7: Guys/Girl Bible Study
Apr 23: The Resurrection!
Apr 16: Jesus and Easter
Apr 9: Jesus as Healer
Apr 2: Jesus as Teacher
-God can do incredible things!
-We need to rely on God in all circumstances, because He will always provide for us (However sometimes it is different than we expect)
-Sometimes we are quick to forget what God has done
-Godly people can also struggle with mental illness
-We cannot live life alone. Elijah thought that he was the only one following God…we learn in 1 Kings 19:18 that there were still thousands of people who had not followed the false gods.
-Do not be shy about your faith. Where were these thousands of people hiding? Why didn’t they support Elijah?

Mar 19: Questions part 3
Mar 5+12: Answering Your Questions
Feb 26: Friendship
Feb 19: Social Media
Feb 12: God
Feb 5: Prayer part 2
We did a number of prayer stations around the church, such as confession, sharing prayer requests, and praying through music.
Jan 29: Cancelled due to extreme cold :(
Jan 22: Prayer part 1
Jan 15: Reading the Bible
Dec 18: The Plot of Christmas
Dec 11: Act 1

We split into groups and learned about and acted out the prophesies of Jesus, the birth of Jesus and the teachings of Jesus!
Dec 4: What's the Big Deal with Christmas?
November 27: Your Questions, part 2
November 20: Your Questions, part 1
November 20: Your Questions, part 1
Nov 13: The New Testament part 2
Jesus told everyone that he was God’s Son, and that he came to forgive people’s sins. This made some religious people so angry that they had him killed on a cross. But three days later Jesus came back to life, proving that he was God’s Son. After that, Jesus met with his followers, commonly called disciples or apostles. He told them to keep spreading his message to everyone so that they can have a relationship with God.
That is what the rest of the New Testament is all about! However, after Jesus went to heaven, things were difficult for the first followers of Jesus. What do you think some of their problems were? (persecution, wrong teachings/beliefs)
This was in the first century after Jesus, imagine living almost 2000 years ago in the years 40-70. There was no electricity, no phones, no mail.
So some of the disciples traveled around to different places, teaching people about Jesus. Then they would write letters to the other Christians. Most of the New Testament was originally letters, either written to one person, or to a church.
These letters were full of encouragement to the people living in hard times, teaching to keep them on the right track and sometimes correction or discipline, showing the people what they were doing wrong. Even though these letters were written a long time ago, the words still apply to us today and God can use them to shape our lives, just like he did for people thousands of years ago! Let’s look at example:
James 3:9-12
What does this mean?
Ephesians 4:29: Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
That is one example of words written 1000’s of years ago that are just as important and true for us today as they were then. And the New Testament letters are full of advice to help us live for God!
Nov 6: The New Testament part 1 (The Gospels)
Now we are moving on to the New Testament. What is the difference between the Old and the New?
Jesus divides the Old and the New Testaments. The first four books of the New Testament record the life of Jesus. One big part of Jesus’ life on earth was doing miracles to help other people. Let’s look at one example:
Why do you think Jesus did miracles?
-He loved all people and desired to help them. (Mark 1:41)
-He was able to do miracles because God gave him the power to heal people or raise people from the dead, to show that he was sent by God. (John 14:11)
Do you think God still does miracles today?
Through Sickness, a Grandfather Finds Eternal Life:
Hopeless and helpless, Prajval could only observe as his 1-year-old grandson suffered and grew weak, plagued by near-constant diarrhea and vomiting. The boy’s parents also could do nothing but stand by and watch as their son suffered. Prajval’s heart was heavy. Was there anything more they could do?
Prajval and his fathers before him prayed to their ancestors for blessings. However, there were many in Prajval’s family who had suffered from various illnesses, some ultimately perishing. When Prajval’s grandson was born, the family rejoiced, but the young boy, too, fell ill. The child’s parents took him to a doctor, but the prescribed medicine did nothing.
Physical remedies exhausted, they pursued a spiritual one. The family took the ailing boy to a nearby traditional priest, hoping he could heal him. But the child still suffered, growing weaker and weaker as time passed. Prajval and his family could only watch, helpless.
Amidst this family’s struggles, they met a Christian man. This believer, seeing the pitiful state of the boy, offered to pray for the child, encouraging the family that God could do a miracle. The very next day, the believer brought his Pastor with him to visit the family. Prajval watched as these two Christians prayed over his bedridden grandson. Was this Jesus the answer when all else had failed?
After praying for the sick boy, Pastor Sarish invited Prajval and his family to attend the church on Sunday. Curious and hopeful, they brought the boy to the church. There, Prajval saw something extraordinary: His ailing grandson was completely and totally healed! Witnessing this miraculous healing, Prajval and his entire family chose to set their hope in Christ.
“My grandchild was so sick,” Prajval said. “We took him to many hospitals and [followed many rituals], but the child did not get healed. But Pastor Sarish and his believers prayed for him. God did a miracle in his life. Today, by God’s grace, he is completely healed.”
Now, grandfather and grandson, along with their entire family, worship and praise God with fellow believers.
When you hear about miracles is it difficult to believe them? Why or why not?
In the other group, Wes taught about the teachings of Jesus.
Oct 30: The Old Testament part 3
Today we split into groups and learned about the major prophets and the minor prophets. Here is a short recap:
Oct 23: Serving Outside
Today we spent time serving our neighbors in the simple way of raking leaves for people. We filled 40 bags of leaves and spent time praying for each home that we raked.
Oct 16: The Old Testament part 2
Oct 9: Thanksgiving
Oct 2: The Old Testament Part 1
We looked at two sections of the old testament: the Pentateuch or the law (first 5 books of the Bible) as well as the historical books (from Joshua to Esther) Here is a quick summary:
Sept 25: The Big Story of the Bible
Sept 18: Why is the Bible a big deal?
Sept 11: Welcome!
Jesus told everyone that he was God’s Son, and that he came to forgive people’s sins. This made some religious people so angry that they had him killed on a cross. But three days later Jesus came back to life, proving that he was God’s Son. After that, Jesus met with his followers, commonly called disciples or apostles. He told them to keep spreading his message to everyone so that they can have a relationship with God.
That is what the rest of the New Testament is all about! However, after Jesus went to heaven, things were difficult for the first followers of Jesus. What do you think some of their problems were? (persecution, wrong teachings/beliefs)
This was in the first century after Jesus, imagine living almost 2000 years ago in the years 40-70. There was no electricity, no phones, no mail.
So some of the disciples traveled around to different places, teaching people about Jesus. Then they would write letters to the other Christians. Most of the New Testament was originally letters, either written to one person, or to a church.
These letters were full of encouragement to the people living in hard times, teaching to keep them on the right track and sometimes correction or discipline, showing the people what they were doing wrong. Even though these letters were written a long time ago, the words still apply to us today and God can use them to shape our lives, just like he did for people thousands of years ago! Let’s look at example:
James 3:9-12
What does this mean?
Ephesians 4:29: Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
That is one example of words written 1000’s of years ago that are just as important and true for us today as they were then. And the New Testament letters are full of advice to help us live for God!
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